Hi there

I’m Claire Marie Quant, from Clarity Matters – The Communications Specialists.

If you’ve found yourself here you’re probably looking for clarity about your business branding and how to create natural, sparkly content and messages that grab your clients’ attention.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed and confused around your messaging, putting it off because it seems too difficult to find the right words/content/topics – I get that.

I can help you ditch those chaotic thoughts and feelings of being overwhelmed that are keeping you stuck, and stopping you from getting yourself more visible, and ultimately attracting more of your ideal clients.

The first step is to be clear on exactly who you are, what your brand stands for in business, but also what it truly means to you and how you want to express it.

So don’t be shy – let’s unleash your true potential, super-charge your confidence and increase your visibility – and watch as you take your business from ordinary to sparkly to shine like the star you are!


Delivering Clarity from Chaos across all your branded content

You chose to work for yourself and develop your business, putting the passion for your ideal customers at the heart of what you do. Let’s face it, you’ve put so much effort into building your dream business, that you want to make sure people know who you are and what you are about. Or do you? I get the feeling you love the idea of showcasing what you do but you may be experiencing one or all of the following:
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Scared to get visible
  • Feeling disconnected in your business
  • Have information overload
  • Too many mixed messages
  • You have chaos not clarity

Get the picture?


I’m so glad we are in each other’s world right now. I know it feels like the right time and you are ready to inject a massive dose of positivity and creativity into your brand.

I can cut through the cr@p and get the job done when it comes to your messaging – and I can see the bigger picture way before you do.
I believe we should always be our true authentic selves. Because let’s face it, pretending to be someone you’re not can be pretty damn hard work.

To me it’s all about finding the golden thread that runs through your brand communications – those words that genuinely light you and your customers up. The messages that let people know who you are.

So many business owners go headlong into photographs, social media posts, websites and marketing campaigns without a handle on their overall messaging.

That’s where the confusion creeps in. Before you know it you are juggling the day-to-day business, with existing and new services or offerings plus a myriad of messages that are no longer fit for purpose.

That’s where I come in. I’m that crucial piece in the jigsaw that gives you clarity and visibility around all your communications.

Here are a few things you may not know about me…

  • I’m a mum of twins (they’re IVF and the miracle babies I thought I’d never have)
  • I am married to my motorsport-mad husband Martyn and we live in North Wales
  • I learnt my trade as a Cub Reporter on a local newspaper
  • I rocked up at university at age 40+1 day and gained a First Class Honours Degree in Media Communications & Writing (in two years, instead of three)
  • I love cooking
  • I’m a self-development junkie

But what if I said it’s easier than you think to gain back control and re-connect your communications with the REAL you.

You can…

But what if I said it’s easier than you think to gain back control and re-connect your communications with the REAL you.

You can…


By working with me as we unravel your mixed messages, using my practical, no-nonsense approach, we’ll get laser-focused on your brand and content to unleash the real YOU.

Together we cut through the chaos to reveal clear branding that sits comfortably with you and brings you greater confidence and visibility.


Cut The Crap & Reconnect To Your Vision

Clarity Call

This session is all about getting to know you. Your background, what motivates and inspires you. What lights you up (and equally what doesn’t). Pop on the coffee and let’s clear the chaos and focus on what it is you want to say.
I work with new and established ambitious business owners who want to elevate their business to the next level and shout about their successes in the right way, to the right people. Plus increase their visibility and super-charge their confidence.

I’ve got 30 years’ experience in journalism and PR so I know I can find the story that is waiting to be told.

In our 90-minute Clarity Call I’ll find the communications that makes you feel inspired and happy.

I’m confident that by the end of our chat you’ll be feeling excited, liberated and raring to talk about your business.

Book Your Clarity Call

This session is all about getting to know you. Your background, what motivates and inspires you. What lights you up (and equally what doesn’t)? Grab a coffee and let’s clear the chaos and focus on what it is you want to say about you and your business.

I work with new and established ambitious female business owners who want to elevate their business to the next level and shout about their successes in their own way, to the right people. I’m here to help you increase your brand visibility and supercharge your confidence.

With 30 years of experience in journalism and PR, I know I can find the stories that are waiting to be told. In our one-hour Clarity Call together I’ll find the content that will make you feel inspired and happy. I’m confident that by the end of our chat, you’ll be feeling excited, and buzzing, well-equipped to big up your business.

Clarity Call

I’m confident that together we’ll unlock your brand communications to success:

In just 60 minutes you’ll move from chaos to clarity and you’ll get clear on what you want to say and how you want to say it.



Book Your Clarity Call

Clarity Call

I’m confident that together we’ll unlock your communications to success:
You’ll move from chaos to clarity and you’ll get clear on what you want to say in this 90 minute session just for you.



Chaos To Clarity
The Full Audit

I’m confident that together we’ll unlock your communications to success with this complete audit of all your business communications:
After 30 days you’ll go away with more confidence and clarity on what you stand for in your business, and know exactly what you want to say.




30 Days To Take You From Chaos To Clarity

This 30 day program includes everything in the basic Clarity Call PLUS so much more. We dig deep to find the real reasons that motivate you in business, give your confidence a massive boost and get the clarity you need to elevate you to the next level.
I know what makes a great story because I used to write the news.
Give me 30 days and I’ll find the golden thread in your business communications.
I’m confident you will come off our first call feeling excited, liberated and inspired, ready for the next steps.
A lot of this work is done for you, taking away the overwhelm and time commitment that has seen you stuck in chaos for far too long. Plus you get a full communications audit PLUS up to four ‘done for you’ bespoke messages, that you can use time and time again.
By the time we finish you’ll feel energised, excited and fall in love with your business all over again. 30 Days Delivering Clarity From Chaos

Chaos To Clarity
The Full Audit

I’m confident that together we’ll unlock your ideal messages and content with this complete audit of all your business branding and communications. 

After 30 days you’ll go away with more confidence and clarity on what you stand for in your business, and know exactly what you want to say, where, how and when. 



Book Your Clarity Full Audit

This 30-day program includes everything in the basic Clarity Call PLUS so much more. We dig deep to find your true brand style; and the real reasons that motivate you in business. Your confidence will get a massive boost and you will come away with 100% clarity about who you are and what you stand for. No more hiding away – your bespoke content is going to elevate your business to the next level.

I know what makes a great story because I used to write the news. Give me 30 days and I’ll find the golden thread that runs through your entire business brand. I’m confident you will come off our first call feeling excited, liberated and inspired, ready for the next steps.

A lot of this work is done for you, taking away the overwhelm and time commitment that has seen you stuck in chaos for far too long.

You’ll get a comprehensive communications audit, Brand Strategy PLUS up to four ‘done for you’ bespoke messages, that you can use time and time again.

By the time we finish, you’ll feel energised, and excited and fall in love with your business all over again. 30 Days Delivering Clarity From Chaos JUST FOR YOU and YOUR BRAND.


This is my formula for getting you visible and becoming authentically you in your business. It’s clear and simple and guaranteed to get you the results you desire. Let’s Get Visible.